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State Secondary Certificate – ( SSC BOARD )

Class – 10

Subject Wise Courses For Class – 10

Mathematics For Class 10

15 Lessons 9

English For Class 10

24 Lessons 9

Social For Class 10

22 Lessons 9

Telugu For Class 10

19 Lessons 9

Hindi For Class 10

15 Lessons 9

Physical Science Class 10

14 Lessons 9

Biology For Class 10

10 Lessons 9

Recommended Question & Answers for Class 10

1. ) If 4 sin2 θ – 1 = 0 then find θ’ (θ < 90) also, find the value of θ and the value of cos2 θ + tan2 θ


Given 4 2 θ – 1 = 0 ⇒ 4 2 θ = 1
2 θ = 14 ⇒ sin θ = ± 14=−−−−√±12

Given θ is less than 90°
sin θ = 12
sin θ = sin30° ⇒ θ = 30°
cos θ = cos = 30° 3√2
tan θ = tan 30° = 13√

cos2 θ + tan2 θ = cos2 30° + tan2 30°
= (3√2)2 + (13√)2
= 34+13 = 9+412 = 1312

2. Write the HJPAC names of the following compounds?

i) CH3 – CH0 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2OH
ii) CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH- CH2 – C≡CH
iii) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CHO
iv) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – COOH

1. nananol
2. 4- ene – 1 heptyne
3. pentanal
4. pentanoic acid

3. For an object placed at a distance of 20 cm in front of convex lens, the image formed is at a distance of 20 cm behind the lens. Find the focal length of lens?


The object distance and image distance are same. So the object is kept at twice the focal length. So the focal length of the convex lens is 10 cm.