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Indian Certificate Of Secondary Education – ( ICSE )

Class – 8

Subject Wise Courses For Class – 8

Maths For Class 8

37 Lessons 9

English For Class 8

19 Lessons 9

Social For Class 8

30 Lessons 9

Physics For Class 8

13 Lessons 9

Chemistry For Class 8

5 Lessons 9

Biology For Class 8

10 Lessons 9

Recommended Question & Answers for Class 8

1. Is a square prism same as cube?

Answer: Yes

2. If a polyhedron has 10 vertices and 7 faces, find the number of edges in it.

1. 15
2. 18
3. 16
4. 13

Vertices= 10
Faces = 7
Using Euler’s formula
F+ V- E =2
7 + 10 – E = 2
-E = – 15
E = 15

3. Electric work done per unit time is ?

1. Electrical current
2. Electrical energy
3. Electrical power
4. Electrical voltage
Answer 4

4. The plants that live for more than 2 years are called?

1. Triennials
2. Biennials
3. Perennials
4. Annuals
Answer 3